Changes summary
Fix on Name and displayName is overwritten when preserve option is selected
Fix on Firsttimestamp and Firstvalue not getting captured on streaming start date
Handled The OnGridbyPath endpoint case sensitive scenarios on paths
V2 and V3 New API's implemented on DataFreeze,TimeFreeze and MinMax
v2 and V3 New API's implemented on get rules-api, Summary and vesselsensoreventsbypath
v2 new API's implemented on vesselsensorevents:
Features and bug fixes
531652 The OnGridbyPath endpoint is case sensitive and throws errors on paths with streams Closed
526770 Name and displayName is being overwritten when preserve option is selected Closed
526042 As an api user I need to get all rules applied on a Vessel Closed
518968 As a DQ user I need to see how many DQ issues apply for a vessel last 24 hrs ("DQ KPI API") Closed
529137 Apply DAC on the response stream data quality rules Closed
491345 As a API consumer, I would like to filter/browse assets based on streaming start date Closed
518951 Storing results of DQ evaluation to give in API Closed
Open Issues
Stage release date 11th June 2024
Production release date 30th July 2024