Changes summary Improve v3 getongrid Fix on Getlatest agg for yesterday's event. Boolen state stream is auto created. Fix on child node apparently parent node is updated. Improve on TQl query date computation Features and bug fixes API 475467 v3 getongrid throws error when shared contract not set for a vessel Closed…
Changes summary New v2 api for search endpoint Alternative paths for browse and prune Features and bug fixes API 475467 v3 getongrid throws error when shared contract not set for a vessel Closed 481225 Data-explorer does not show some assets on filtering Closed 483363 "search" endpoint from Galore to retrieve all…
Changes summary Fix on browse Api Updating node performance is improved Features and bug fixes [1] Galore APi 500503 Browse Api_v3:Without attribute conditions is throwing 400 error message Closed 507938 Browse API is not returning all nodes Closed [2] Galore services 495398 View and Node Selector APIs slowed down after…
Changes summary Fix on LatestTimeStamp to capture Added new attribute to store data to verify whether it is computed or configured Added view key for tql input Features and bug fixes API 512095 <customer>- LatestTimeStamp is not fresh Closed 511126 As a API consumer, I would like to have additional attribute (isComputed)…
Changes summary Fix on browse node working in data explorer Fix on Nodeapi attribute Name nodetype is component Features and bug fixes API 527137 Browse Node attributes not working in data explorer Closed 503457 NodesApi is not working as expected when attributeName is "nodeType" and attribute value is "Component" Closed…
Changes summary Fix on Name and displayName is overwritten when preserve option is selected Fix on Firsttimestamp and Firstvalue not getting captured on streaming start date Handled The OnGridbyPath endpoint case sensitive scenarios on paths V2 and V3 New API's implemented on DataFreeze,TimeFreeze and MinMax v2 and V3 New…
Changes summary Add path to Galore paramenters endpoint Added time weighted average option in resampling method Data Quality fix on min and max value Features and bug fixes Services 519086 Galore Parameter API: Add path to Galore parameters endpoint Closed 540175 As an API user, I want to have time weighted average option…
Changes summary For DQ new Api to handle multiple rules New unit added Manually added calculator should retain when we update a node Features and bug fixes API 499431 DQ - API change to allow POST of multiple rules Closed 564905 Galore - Prod | <customer>| My Vessels | DQ dashboard - Completeness graph is not loading for…
Changes summary -Support DAC for browse api. -Get chartered vessels along with owner vessel from share capable browse endpoint Features and bug fixes 570585 As an api User, I would like to get chartered vessels along with owner vessel from share capable browse endpoint Closed 575703 DAC issue in v3 browse Closed…