Changes summary
Added V3 browse Api
Added v3 search api
Restore of v3 get nodes for data quality
Improve of Timeseries Aggregates
Remove invalid stream Node reference
New api get Firstvaluebypath
Features and bug fixes
457380 V3 browse api Closed
460608 V3 Search API for Data Explorer Closed
462409 v3 api for get nodes Closed
463424 revisit v3 browse api Closed
472079 Restore v3 getnodes endpoint for DataQuality Closed
470770 BrowseAPI: Attribute conditions with 'isnotempty' is throwing internal server error message Closed
457057 Prod: <customer> tenant - Galore v3 API: Getting empty response for <vessel> for states getongrid API even though we have router data from galore Closed
459921 [VI API] Timeseries Aggregates not returned Closed
460579 VectorStreams OnGridByPath returns error for all paths when one of node paths is pending for invalid node reference cleanup Closed
467838 ACL Scheduler does not update newly added acls to streams service Resolved
468492 FirstvaluebyPath- Nodes with no data throws internal server error message Closed
462666 Galore - Getting 500 internal server error on executing Galore V3 Getongrid APIs with no paths in the request body Closed
Open Issues
Stage release date 28th Nov 2023
Production release date 14th Dec 2023