Changes summary HotFix changes to master List of changes 436727 Revert Eventhub changes to use MessageArrayContainer.SentTime Closed Fixed Issues 436243 VI Monitoring Issue - Issues observed where most vessels are transmitting EdgeHealth data, yet the VI monitoring dashboards indicate that the vessels are displaying…
Changes summary OnGridbypath returns with sum and count New api on ongrid api for states Fix on considering upper bound in ongrid api's Features and bug fixes API 429292 OnGridByPath should also return sum in the response Closed 432832 OnGrid- api for states Closed 430482 API OnGridByPath Closed Services 432458 API docs -…
Changes summary Improve on api cross tenant Ongrid Api for states Fixes on v3 api on stage Improved data quality on timeseries Api with agg considering from and to options Features and bug fixes API 441127 Cross-tenant OnGrid API for States Closed 441416 Ongridstates- Response is not consistent. Closed 432459 Timeseries…
Changes summary Improve Ongridbypath and ongrid API's Improve GetLatest query performance Improve of updation on v2 nodes Support of V3 timeseries getongrid with multiple imos Features and bug fixes API 433076 Timeseries OnGridByPath & OnGrid APIs (v1, v2 & v3) should be able to respond for multiple resampling-methods…
Changes summary Added V3 browse Api Added v3 search api Restore of v3 get nodes for data quality Improve of Timeseries Aggregates Remove invalid stream Node reference New api get Firstvaluebypath Features and bug fixes API 457380 V3 browse api Closed 460608 V3 Search API for Data Explorer Closed 462409 v3 api for get nodes…